Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Legends about Mistletoe

Thanksgiving is just on day after tomorrow. I think everyone has finished preparations for it. I have completed my invitations and decorations. Actually there is not much to decorate on Thanksgiving day. Just the usual Autumn flowers in a vase and using the Thanksgiving special card holders and mats. There is hardly any myth associated with any flower, tree or shrub on Thanksgiving. Whereas in Christmas, I don't know how many myths and legends are there about different plants. The most famous plant associated with Christmas is perhaps the mistletoe. Hanging of a artificial mistletoe bunch at the door or at the room is a common scene in Christmas.

The most popular custom around this plant is to exchange kiss by a man and a woman that signifies their marriage in the near future and life long happiness. This event can b e traced back to the old Greek Greek festival of Saturnalia and later with primitive marriage rites. In Scandinavia, mistletoe was believed to be the plant of peace under which the enemies made peace and the quarreling couples kissed and made up. In the eighteenth century the English started the custom of creating a mistletoe ball under which a young lady cannot refuse to be kissed. Such kiss would mean deep love and everlasting friendship.

Even before getting associated with Christmas, mistletoe has been considered as a sacred and magical tree by the Greeks and other Europeans. In the medieval age, people used to hang mistletoe on the ceiling with this believe that it would keep away the evil spirits. Even the Europeans used to put it before the doors having such belief. It is quiet clear the association of Mistletoe with Christmas has roots in the Pagan rites and rituals. The mistletoe has number of other legends and folklores, but that is to be discussed later.

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