Friday, September 2, 2011

Comment Translation and Gingerbread Cookies

Good morning all. I wanted to tell you...and some of you may already know this...but I did not, that a follower of my blog left me a comment on one of my posts which I was thrilled about because I love reading comments, but it was in her own language and I could not read it. Darn I thought, there has to be some way of understanding what she wrote! So I searched and found a link in which you copy the comment that was left and paste it into this Google translate box and click on translate and voila, you can now read the comment! Wonderful I thought! Now there are many other ways of translating things like downloading an app, but this was easy enough for me and now I'm thrilled that I can read other comments left in a different language easily. If you have ever had this happen to you, here is the link

As I'm sitting here having my coffee, a friend of mine sent me home yesterday with some gingerbread cookies she had made for an outdoor wedding reception. She has made them in the colors of the wedding party. My husband ate one and I'm having one with my coffee, but I have to say that they are to cute to eat, but are so delicious!! The smile on the cookie at the right was smeared from the cover that was on top of it.  I felt guilty biting off an arm and then a leg...and finally the head...(scream)....

I'm sorry, but she was very tasty! Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone! And Ginnie, thanks for the cookies!!

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