Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Being On Santa's List !

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Do you know the song “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”? The song says, “He's making a list and checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty and nice. Santa Claus is coming to town.” This song tells about who's making it into the naughty or nice list! As kids, we have always been worried about the list that our name was going into. The parents had a sure stop way of stopping all pranks by saying that the more mischief that we got into, the greater were our chances of making to the naughty list!

The feeling of Christmas, the evergreen, the bells, the hollies, the mistletoe, the food and above all Santa have been such an integral part of us ever since we have been kids. Of all of the above Santa tops the list every time and Santa's list is something to look forward anytime. The exact origin of Santa's list and of being in Santa list is not exactly known. The tradition of Christmas is generally associated with the idea of gift giving and exchanging and some of the gifts were said to be given by Santa. It was a special privilege to be on Santa's special list ! The concept of a jolly old man giving gifts on Christmas comes from St. Nicholas, a bishop from the fourth century. He was later renamed as Santa Claus or St. Nick. The idea of hanging a stocking also stems from this belief as it was considered that being good gave you the advantage of getting the best of gifts from Santa.

So, what are the advantages of getting into Santa's list ? You don't even want to start counting them. You get all the Christmas goodies to yourself, you get the best gifts underneath the tree, you get to open the gifts first and you do get bonus points for the next year. (Ok, I made that up). But it really does not matter, does it ? Being nice throughout the year is hard ( I know, I am yet to make the list )but telling every one later that you made it... is the icing on the Christmas cake. But hey, what are the things that you have to do to be naughty or nice ? It's simple really, for being naughty, all you have to do is play pranks to the hilt, make life miserable for your siblings, stealing the lion's share of the cookies and generally be too much for your mum to handle. And to be an angel, you have to be good, mind you... really good. Minding your manners, being polite and studying hard will do for the time being. The rest depends all on Santa you know !

It's nice to know and see that with all the modernization in our lifestyles, we still have a firm belief in the miracles of Christmas and of Santa. We like to believe that we have him watching over us, watching over our kids and what better than these age old traditions to make sure that we mind our manners ! The delightful traditions of Christmas leading all the way to the holiday spirit, the feeling of family and the feeling of togetherness is something we look forward to every year and this feeling is reinforced more by the image of the jolly, chubby old man in the red suit with a gift sack slung over his shoulder !

So get ready for Christmas and all it's merriment, of the jingle of the bells tied on the reindeer's neck, of Santa coming through the chimney and the excitement of being “Naughty or Nice” by sending all your loved ones and friends, cool greeting cards on Santa List Day from sites such as 123Greetings.com.

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