Saturday, September 2, 2006

Christmas Candles

Hope you remember about the Christmas party I had mentioned in my last blog . So how are your plans going ? I am sure you are going to rock all of them, but while you do all this you better not forget about the candles, which is enough to make your party the most memorable one.
Whenever I look at a candle it has always made me wonder about its lifestyle. It burns and burns giving us all its light, keeping darkness to itself but still it has no regrets. But whatever it may be, we still enjoy every bit of its beauty.
With Christmas on its way the markets are sure to get flooded with a variety of candles in different shapes,sizes,colors...some with red ribbons,some with white,blue,green...the lovely flowers on some and those green leaves all around...there are many with the face of Jesus and some with the Christmas tree. On last Christmas I managed to get some beautifully designed ones, in the shape of alphabets.It was am amazing set of candles.
The very look of them are so mesmerizing that you just don't feel like burning it and even when burnt...the aroma takes you into a completely different world.
In all these preparations and merry making lets not forget the actual significance of the candle. A candle lit every week on the advent wreath reminds us of the coming of the Saviour Jesus Christ, the light actual of the world.
Hope I manage to get some good ones this time. Do inform me if you guys come across a good one.

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