Monday, September 4, 2006

Christmas Recollections Last year

My eyes behaved lazily, taking twists and turns, as the clock struck twelve...there was light all over. It had become my usual time of getting up due to my late night shifts. Mom had opened the windows of my room allowing my sweet dream bid me goodbye and those dreamy eyes could not tolerate the belle dance of the flushing curtains .I had no plans to get to my toes at least for the next half an hour. There was breeze outside and I could feel the chill of it on my bare arms. Summer has just ended and Autumn was on its way...and if Autumn is here can Winter be fat behind...this very thought was making me enjoy my Christmas, way before hand. A day when life seems to be so very different,a complete roller-coaster. A day when there is no work but only fun and party. I was already on my way to make it the most happening one,as I usually do.
Still in my sleepish sense of mind I reeled back my thoughts to the hullabaloo of the Christmas celebrations of the previous year. Preparations had started two weeks ago and there was lots of excitement in the air. Lots of shopping and planning for the big day. Ordering for cakes, new clothes,curtains,gifts,cards,Christmas tree...the list was endless. With a perfect two weeks planning the day had finally arrived. It was midnight and I was getting dressed up for the Christmas eve mass.It was supposed to start at 12 and Benny had promised to pick me up on his way to the church. Punctuality was an unknown word to him so we got to see the church at about 11.50, trying to forcefully sneak into a row where I caught the, not so acceptable glances of some elderly members . I had no other option, than to ignore those looks and somehow fit myself among those healthy odd looking people. However Benny was not spared of my usual curses for being the architect of all the suffering I was wittnessing.We usually have high masses on days of occasions which are quite different from the normal ones.The church was beautifully decorated with streamers all over.Stars were at the paramount of glory and there was the beautifully decorated crib with life size statues of Jesus,Mary,Joseph...the Camels,Shepherds...gosh the beauty of it was amazing. The altar was beautifully decorated with fresh flowers, the fragrance of which was falling heavy on the long standing piece of art. The church echoed to the melodious tune of the carols. After the mass, it was time to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and the joy of it could be seen on all faces. When the wishings kissings, and conversation was at its zenith, somebody announced the Christmas eve dance. All attentions were rolled in that direction as that was one of the most awaited events. Every one made their ways to the hall room.In there the atmosphere was awesome with no lights but just the one from the mirror ball high up in the ceiling.

I was rolling around on my bed in excitement, with the least realization that my thoughts of the previous Christmas had slipped into my dreams from reality but I enjoyed every bit of it.I was still in no mood to rise from my bed so I decided to plan out my forthcoming Christmas lying there itself.
Christmas means a lot of things to different people . But for me Christmas means catching up with Friends and Family ...talking about things we like and enjoy and of course having a good time together and savoring the Holiday spirit.
So with Christmas on its way, I hope that you guys are going great guns with your Christmas plans. Do share your experiences with me too.

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